Friday, April 27, 2012

Silly Cat! Tricks are for kids!

Purdy's Busted

This is a painting i did of my cat Oliver, AKA Purdy.  He is a really sneaky, determined cat.  His name became Purdy because all he odes is purr.  Waking you up in the middle of the night wanting you to pet him.  Or meowing really load following you until he gets a treat.  We give him one can food a day in the morning and sometimes if we ignore him before bed and forget to give him a treat he will knock off his food bowl for the dog to eat it all!  Guess he thinks if it's all gone we will have to eventually fed it to him.  My boys like to call him a smooth criminal because he is very sneaky about things.  You think he is stretching and out comes the paw to steal a bite of chicken from you.  I will have to get it on video one day because it's certainly a must see!

I have been painting lots of people's animals with them in their own home and I finally decided this year to paint one for myself.  Not many people would believe me he really did this and I just so happened to have the camera in my hand and captured it!  We have even tried putting a spoon there so he can't get to it but he is just too smart for and nothing can keep him from getting in there to tear open the bag of kitty treats!

Silly Cat! Tricks are for kids :)